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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New England

    Should the USA Mandate tracking chips for our children?

    From the Evil of Child Molesters?

    I've been spending some time at home lately because of some physical things I'm going through, so I find I'm watching TV which I generally don't do very much. Well today I found myself watching this show called American Justice, that has episodes of real criminal cases that were unresolved. Anyway, one of the stories was this person who liked young children to have sex with. And to avoid being caught, he would kill these helpless children that had their whole lives ahead of them all because he wants to have sex. Oh just the thought hurts my stomach and while I was watching this program, I found myself thinking there's absolutely nothing wrong with the death penalty for this type of crime.

    I've heard people say over the years that there is basically no rehabilitation for perpetrators of these types of crimes. Life in prison without the possibility of parole is yet another option. But I just can't get my head around the concept of how anyone could look at a young beautiful child full of life, jumping, running, playing with toys or playmates and conceive the tiniest of thoughts that they are a sexual object.

    How can we better protect our children? If the government were to approve the insertion of Microchips that you would place under the skin permanently that acted as a tracking device, would you approve of such a method to be administered without the consent of the parents?

    When I was a young child, I remember the day we had our series of shots that you are suppose to get that prevent you from getting diseases. The wa a decree Mandated by our Government's Health Department. Parents didn't have a choice about this, if your child was to go to school, then he/she had to submit to these shots.

    Well I'm wondering if inserting these Tracking Chips into the skin should be mandatory as well? We are not doing enough to protect our children and reasoning with these horrible people isn't working. As long as there are men on the Planet, there will be men who harm women and men that harm children and men that harm animals. These are the things that men do ... sadly, all the pleading is not going to change a thing. People that kill have absolutely no consideration for life and the pain that ensues afterward for the family of the victims. They are pure evil and I am beginning to believe there's no place on the Planet for people like this. I remember learning of a situation just a few months ago of a man in Texas that was finally caught after it was discovered he had brutally killed seven young girls. According to the report, they all suffered painful deaths. He was sentenced to death by lethal injection and his family started a petition to prevent this from happening because according to them, death by injection was painful and inhuman.

    Once again you begin to see that the rights of the perpetrators is seemingly more important than the rights of the victims. It didn't matter how brutal he was to his victims, he didn't want to feel any pain. Now maybe this is my anger thinking but there was someone who suggested we go back to Death by Hanging in a public venue. I thought about this and wondered what the outcome of such a condition would be?

    If the United States implemented Execution by Hanging would that deter people from committing these crimes? Do we feeling we could see a dramatic drop in the amount of killings because these guys wouldn't want to suffer this type of punishment? Or as one suggested, we might see an increase in these killings because a person would want to make certain their victim couldn't finger them.

    My question is this, should we mandate the insertion of tracking chips in our children so they can be located if the parents feel they are lost?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    San Antonio, TX

    We need a third answer: I feel it should not be mandated nor available. Of course, I say this, because I would choose the above answer. My heart goes out to the children and families that endure these nightmares. While what you speak of disgusts me as much as anyone, I really don't think microchips are the answer. From a technological point of view, it may not work. Moreover, how healthy is it to embed a foreign object into a human body... will the body reject the implant... what medication will children have to take so their body doesn't reject it?

    Now let's assume we do go through with it regardless. Children everywhere are carrying these chips as required by law. The questions now becomes "is it going to deter the kidnappers?" Hopefully it does, but in the case it doesn't what happens? I have no problem believing that the pedophiles would amputate whatever they deem necessary in order to escape. So now we have sexually abused children walking around without a hand for the rest of their lives.

  3. #3
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    New England
    As a father I must state that I had a moment of emotional panic when listening to this story because it hits you that at anytime it could be your child that some bastard abducts and what can you do about it? I think about these families that have to sit in the Courts looking at the person that killed their child and are forced to maintain their composure while allowing the Law to deal with these people who think the life of a child is nothing more than an opportunity for self gratification.

    I could never sit on the Jury of such a trial because I would not have an object mind and I openly admit this. However LT is correct, this may not be the answer. So what is the answer? How do we better protect our children because quite frankly I don't think we're doing a very good job of it now.

    How do you identify people who have this problem? And for those who are eventually caught, what is the best form of rehab or is there any reliable form of rehab? We want our children to grow up, get an education, play sports, fall in love, get married and raise families just like we were able to do. It's not fair to witness a child's life being snuffed out because of some maniac.

    I will alter this Thread

    Thank You,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    San Antonio, TX
    I'm not a father like you, but I do have five younger brothers and sisters. My youngest sibling is eleven years younger than me. She really did view me as her father for about the first eight years of her life (i.e., I moved out at age nineteen and kinda forgot about my family for a little). I remember having dreams about losing her -- nobody knew where she was or what was happening to her. So I honestly can say I know how you feel or God forbid, would feel.

    Coach is right that something more needs done about it. One of the major networks aired a show called "To catch a predator". I'm sure many of you saw it, but to those who didn't.. it was a trap set up to lure pedophiles into the home of a minor. They caught hundreds of people this way despite the fact that many of the perpetrators saw the show. How many of these traps would we need to set up around the country in order to stifle this behavior?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    My question is this, should we mandate the insertion of tracking chips in our children so they can be located if the parents feel they are lost?
    Absolutely not, however, I agree with the idea of better protecting children.

    I'd be all for private sector businesses making this technology available and providing tracking, but the federal government should have no say nor part in any of it. Parents should be the ultimate authority with regards to this sort of decision for their families.

    One of the reasons I feel strongly against the federal government doing such a thing is because it does not have the authority to mandate it or even make it optionally available. The Constitution is what authorizes the federal government to do many things on our behalves, but mandatory tracking of us or our kids is not one of them. Only way to make this Constitutional, as far as I can tell, would be to have a Constitutional Amendment authorizing the government to take the action. Network Administrator

  6. #6
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    New England
    I strongly agree with John's insertion that the Government getting involved on this level could open a can of worms. Where would it stop if something like tracking people were a Federal mandate?

    One thing I know is absolutely wrong is the wait period for when the Local Police feel it's ok to investigate. If you are expecting your child to be home at a certain hour and that period comes & goes and you call the Police to inform them that you fear something is wrong, for them to say, since it's only been a few hours, they can't do anything until 72 hrs have passed is more than crazy, in most cases, it's probably a death sentence for these children.

    I would tend to think the parents know their child and if they feel it warrants calling the Police, then the police should take that seriously. For them to say it would command too much of their time is an insult. I don't give a crap if 90% of them are a false alarm, I'd rather have that than not doing anything in a timely manner and possibly saving a child's life because we acted quickly.

    Also, on my Politicalwheel Website, at the top of the pages, I have a running Amber Alert Script. If you see an Amber Alert, take a good look at it. You never know, you could be the person that happens to see this child and save their life.

    Once again, if anyone would like the Link or Script for the Amber Alerts, please let me know and I'll pass it to you. It's very easy to insert onto a page. It requires very little programming knowledge.

    Everybody, let's try a little harder to watch out for our children so they have a chance to grow up just like they are suppose to. You could be the difference..

    LT - - Yes I remember that show with Chris Hanson I think his name is. Unbelievable how many guys came to have sex with a minor.
    Last edited by Coach; 05-08-2009 at 12:05 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    The wait period sometimes definitely seems out of whack, especially when it comes to kids. Any idea how police departments determine the wait time? Is it by law or does someone within the police department decide on that?

    Here's a link to that TV show's website: Yeah, definitely good work they are doing with that. Network Administrator

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Coach View Post
    As a father I must state that I had a moment of emotional panic when listening to this story because it hits you that at anytime it could be your child that some bastard abducts and what can you do about it? I think about these families that have to sit in the Courts looking at the person that killed their child and are forced to maintain their composure while allowing the Law to deal with these people who think the life of a child is nothing more than an opportunity for self gratification.

    I could never sit on the Jury of such a trial because I would not have an object mind and I openly admit this. However LT is correct, this may not be the answer. So what is the answer? How do we better protect our children because quite frankly I don't think we're doing a very good job of it now.

    How do you identify people who have this problem? And for those who are eventually caught, what is the best form of rehab or is there any reliable form of rehab? We want our children to grow up, get an education, play sports, fall in love, get married and raise families just like we were able to do. It's not fair to witness a child's life being snuffed out because of some maniac.

    I will alter this Thread

    Thank You,
    When MERCY OR KINDNESS is viewed by perpetrators as weakness the answer is to show neither.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by haretrigger View Post
    When MERCY OR KINDNESS is viewed by perpetrators as weakness the answer is to show neither.
    Problem is, there are many groups that feel the Death Penalty is against the Laws of God. Others will say if it's mandatory Death, then that increases the appeal period. I'm not certain what this Appeal process is all about anyway.

    We have Trials and during that time, every opportunity for the Jury to consider the possibility that this person may not be guilty or that the death penalty be taken off the table. If however during this period neither of these considerations change the ultimate verdict from the Jury, I see no reason why the American Tax Payer then has to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to support this piece of crap for the next several years until they finally execute him.

    What an insult that is thrown in our faces. Here's a guy who killed a young child, with no evidence of remorse, while we enjoys three hot meals a day, a couple of hours a day of outside physical activity like playing Basketball and when they are brought back inside, they go through a short period of lock down until the Guards finish their Head count. Once that's done, then the prisoners are allowed back out of their Cells for social hour where they can basically hang out and/or watch TV, play cards or whatever. Again on our Tax Dollars and if you didn't know, some are assigned to counseling sessions or what they call Mental Therapy which is just a venue for getting out of the cell. And all of these stories you hear about Child Killers being taken care of in Jail, well not so much these days because nobody wants to add years onto their already long sentences.

    So HT, I don't want to pay one freakin dime for these Guys. All I want is to snuff them out. Because I believe every guy who has an issue with being able to see a young child and having that make him think about sex, can not be rehabilitated. This is as premeditated as it gets. They have plenty of time to consider what they are doing before they do it. You're telling me a guy can see the beautiful innocents in these kids and somehow justify taking that life away from them in order to have sex? This just doesn't make any sense to me I can't wrap my head around such a concept.

    I suppose the idea is all about being caught. That if they thought the kid wouldn't tell anyone who it was, they would spare the child's life so instead of simply being charged with Kidnapping and injury to a minor, you then add 1st degree murder on top of that and I have to hear some Judge say, he's getting 20 years blah blah blah ??? Please why not just let them go and allow the families to have him for one hour of discussion. Now that's when real justice will happen. The punishment should be that the person will have to be released to the families of the victims for a couple of hours. After that, he can go free.

    But seriously, I wish someone would come up with a solution because I'm getting very tired of hearing about yet another young girl missing and all I know is, we aren't doing enough to protect them.

  10. #10
    Putting a microchip in children is a bad idea. It is an idea that some secret superpower interests bent on controlling the world through a one-world government would love to see enforced, however. The theory is this: you implant every individual on the planet with a tracking device (via a "law" to protect individuals and society from pedophiles, serial killers, convicted criminals, the mentally ill/insane, etc.). This device would also record data on all the activities of the individual which would be stored in a "government" database. Next, pre-screen all adults for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, all children for ADD/ADHD and all new mothers for post-partum depression, and then diagnose and administer to vast numbers of individuals with some form of mental illness, for which the treatment is psychotropic drugs. Bingo - a world of mandatory, pharmaceutical-drug-induced walking zombies, easily manipulated by the secret superpower one-world government machine driven by a handful of kazillionaires bent on controlling the world.

    Science fiction, you say? Invaders From Mars? Read the following article to see just one example of how this scenario is already taking place:

    PS - everybody not yet on mandatory dosing of psych drugs would be taking "Illegal" street drugs (which the government miraculously cannot eradicater) and consuming the "legal" substances of alcohol, cigareattes and chemical-laden illness-inducing foods, all of which would eventually produce a mental or physical breakdown which would (that's right, folks) require diagnosis and treatment with psych drugs.
    Last edited by Tennis Angel; 05-08-2009 at 01:43 PM.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tennis Angel View Post
    Putting a microchip in children is a bad idea. It is an idea that some secret superpower interests bent on controlling the world through a one-world government would love to see enforced, however. The theory is this: you implant every individual on the planet with a tracking device (via a "law" to protect individuals and society from pedophiles, serial killers, convicted criminals, the mentally ill/insane, etc.). This device would also record data on all the activities of the individual which would be stored in a "government" database. Next, pre-screen all adults for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, all children for ADD/ADHD and all new mothers for post-partum depression, and then diagnose and administer to vast numbers of individuals with some form of mental illness, for which the treatment is psychotropic drugs. Bingo - a world of mandatory, pharmaceutical-drug-induced walking zombies, easily manipulated by the secret superpower one-world government machine driven by a handful of kazillionaires bent on controlling the world.

    Science fiction, you say? Invaders From Mars? Read the following article to see just one example of how this scenario is already taking place:

    PS - everybody not yet on mandatory dosing of psych drugs would be taking "Illegal" street drugs (which the government miraculously cannot eradicater) and consuming the "legal" substances of alcohol, cigareattes and chemical-laden illness-inducing foods, all of which would eventually produce a mental or physical breakdown which would (that's right, folks) require diagnosis and treatment with psych drugs.
    Interesting Article TA and fascinating as well however you do recall the situation I'm dealing with that I told you about (?) well Tholidemide (sp) just happens to be the drug they used on me to prepare me for the Transplant I went through over 5 yrs ago and it was instrumental in not only my preparation but the success of the plan. Here it is 5 yr later and I'm still telling you about it so for this reason, I'd say they found a positive use for this drug.

  12. #12
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    Kilkenny, ireland
    I myself would not kill a human no matter how evil they were... I like to believe theres no evil person just people who do evil things... But no... I dont think tracking chips should be mandatory... I think they should be available but give the child a say... Cos it will be in their body for the rest of their life... But as a punishment i wouldnt give a death penalty but instead, let peoply stay in about a 6x6 foot room with only a toilet not even a bed for them to stay in... And let them spend the rest of their life rotting in here letting them slowly loose their sanity untill they cant take it any more and wish they were giving the death penalty as this would be pure torture... Imagine it, no contact with the outside world, have to sleep on the floor and only their mind to keep them amused... Maybe give them a rope so if they want to take their life then them... Theres nothing that i know of in the bible against allowing people to take their lives... So thats my opinion... Abusing children sexually has to be de worst possible crime ever...

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