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  1. #1
    sillimonki22 Guest

    Question Don't know how to start

    I am interested in tennis, but I don't know how to get started. I have a racket, but it is like 100 years old. I don't know what to do or anything.
    Any tips or advice would be great!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    There are a few ways about 'getting into tennis' really, nobody is the same and we all pick up the game differently. I suppose you could join a tennis club, ask to borrow some rackets and see which you like and then buy one of your own. Its important to get a racket you really like and one that suites you because you'll be using it all the time. You could go for coaching, that way you'll pick the game up properly and hopefully not develop any bad habits early on (just as I did really).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    getting started

    I like the idea of joining a club. Another idea is to hit on a wall. They usually have a hitting wall on a college campus or any public and private tennis facility. Once you can hit the ball a few times and keep it going, you can start hitting with people. Then looking into a few lessons. Let a pro give you some tips on getting a racket. I would get a used one from a club. I happen to have to a used racket for sale which I think is great racket for anyone. It's a Head Extreme, midsize. I changed grip size, to one a little smaller. Tennis a great social sport...and I have found that tennis players like help others learn...alot for free. Don't be afraid to ask a student to give some short lessons when it is convenient for them...maybe before their own practice.

    Good luck and I hope you turn into a great tennis fan!

  4. #4
    the way i got started was by playing for my high school's team, but i don't know if you're old enough to play for ur high school's team or not. I had never played a lick of tennis before 9th grade and then someone invited me to join the team and now, in 11th grade, i'm not so bad. I was really lucky because i have a friend who is really good, the best player at our school, and he was willing to go out on the courts during the summer and play with me, which helped a lot.

  5. #5
    Zylon360 Guest
    what you most likely would want to do first is find a newer racquet which will enable you to pick up the beginning techinques both more quickly and more easily.

    Joining a club is one way to get some connections with individual lessons, but this route might cost more than locating someone from either the local paper or a referred individual who gives private lessons. Next, you would just need to find one or two people with whom you can practice with regularly. It would be easier to find someone else interested in begining tennis, but that might be more difficult depending upon your own circumstances. Don't be afraid to make use of virtual tennis lessons offered online for a fee. They give both helpful tips as well as accompanied video illustrations. Just shop around and pick one that seems best suited to both your financial ability and interest level.

    Just one more tip before I sign off. Don't get discouraged if you find you really like tennis. We all pick the game up differently. Some have natural talent while others need to work hard for the experience. Just remember that frustration is a companion to tennis for everybody. Unless you are a pro, don't expect to hit like anyone you see on televised tennis. They have been working on thier game for years and years full-time. I doubt you have that advantage over them. I know various people who do think that after a few lessons they should be playing on a 4.0 or higher level. Just relax and work on your game whenever you can and eventually you should get to the point of progressing towards your personal goal. Do make a personal goal for yourself as it makes hitting the mark much more exciting and the end results will actually be worth something to you personally.

    Good luck

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