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  1. #1
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    God vs Jesus Christ

    I'm hoping we have some people here who can answer this question for me. I will openly admit that I am not a Religious Believer. There are times I question whether God as a large portion of the Planet tends to believe, actually exist. What I mean is, the traditional concept of God in Heaven, Pearly Gates and Angels playing Harpsichords sitting around God's Throne. Nah, that just doesn't work for me but I do in fact believe Christ actually lived and I'm extremely open to the idea that Christ traveled around the Lands preaching God's Word.
    Even though God's Word has been so misinterpreted over the Centuries by so many.

    Today is Good Friday, the day we recognize as the day Christ gave his life in the Name of God. The ultimate sacrifice to not only demonstrate his love for God but to also illustrate God's Power over Life & Death by rising from the Dead on the third day and walking amongst the people once again.

    Did this actually happen or simply another Tale? Anyway, one thing that has always bothered me throughout my life is compatible to a Star Trek Movie I once saw. I think it was the first Star Trek Movie where this Alien proclaimed himself as God. He produced a vast many displays of power and unexplained actions that no Mortal Man could create however it was important for him to take control over the Enterprise and Mr. Spock asked the question,"Why does God need a Star Ship?" At that moment Capt. Kirk caught on to where Mr. Spock was going with his question and repeated Mr. Spock's question by asking this Entity, "Yes, Why would God need a Star Ship?"

    Point is, if this Alien was in fact God, He wouldn't need a Star Ship to get from one place to another. Well I listen to the Laws of God and one of them is "Thou Shalt not have any other Gods before me" . The wording might be a little off but the meaning is simple. According to God, you are not to worship any other God other than God Himself. You are not to kneel or bow or place any person, place or thing as a symbol of Worship and greater than yourself. Now this is something I clearly don't understand because even during the time of Jesus Christ, there were Kings and people of wealth & position. But like the Star Trek question, I've always wondered, if you're God, why would you need for people to Worship you? I find it difficult to believe God has an ego and needs to feel special by forcing Mankind to Worship Him or suffer the consequences.

    Can someone explain this to me

  2. #2

    Talking God i thought!!!!

    GOG i thought i said things that get me in trouble but COACH you might have me beat.(I LIKE IT)
    Christian Gods rep,s work on control and money. the flock goes along out of fear of sex and death.
    With the Muslims the fear is shown in mirror reflection as anger.
    In closing God Bless A Good Tennis Racquet!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Kilkenny, ireland
    I believe god doesnt need people to worship him but simply wants people to treat others wright and by worshiping god himself they will stay away from satan and his evil ways... But then i believe alot of things... Ha...

  4. #4
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    San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by FedererFan2 View Post
    I believe god doesnt need people to worship him but simply wants people to treat others wright and by worshiping god himself they will stay away from satan and his evil ways... But then i believe alot of things... Ha...
    yeah, i think he's right. the point of praying to God is so we can pass our burdens on to Him as he already payed the price.

  5. #5
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    Sea Pines, Hilton Head, South Carolina
    I am a strong believer in God. Jesus is a huge part of God as we all are. Everything is. All of this strife and fussing is for naught. All created by us. God is so much bigger and beyond that. There is truly something inside of all of us that reaches for that power we know as God. He is good. We have been given a chance at purpose and having an identity. Coach, whether you or I believe in God or not, He still believes in us. Funny, there are probably people on other planets wondering if life exists outside of their world. I think God would wonder how on earth someone would not believe in him just like we would wonder how someone could not believe in us. Jesus had it right. It's a leap of faith.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I don't believe god either,
    And it's a interesting question you have asked.

    I can't really say anything because I have never read or let alone picked up a bible in my life, but first question is: Does the bible state that god needs to be worshipped?
    Maybe, he doesn't need people to worship him. You could replace worship with stay faithful and loyal to the God.
    Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight
    Why am I trying to see, when there aint nothing in sight
    Why am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try
    Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die?
    -Tupac Shakur

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sea Pines, Hilton Head, South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Robyna View Post
    I don't believe god either,
    And it's a interesting question you have asked.

    I can't really say anything because I have never read or let alone picked up a bible in my life, but first question is: Does the bible state that god needs to be worshipped?
    Maybe, he doesn't need people to worship him. You could replace worship with stay faithful and loyal to the God.
    Read it and then see if it changes your mind. It makes no sense to think that a bunch of random particles decided to blow up and form everything out of nothing. Everything seems to be too balanced and even Einstein talked about God all the time. He believed there was no way there could not be a God. There are too many laws involved in this universe for there not to be a God.

  8. #8
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by tennisking1 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Robyna
    I don't believe god either,
    And it's a interesting question you have asked.

    I can't really say anything because I have never read or let alone picked up a bible in my life, but first question is: Does the bible state that god needs to be worshipped?
    Maybe, he doesn't need people to worship him. You could replace worship with stay faithful and loyal to the God.
    Read it and then see if it changes your mind. It makes no sense to think that a bunch of random particles decided to blow up and form everything out of nothing. Everything seems to be too balanced and even Einstein talked about God all the time. He believed there was no way there could not be a God. There are too many laws involved in this universe for there not to be a God.
    Well I came to the Off-Topic section tonight for a different reason but I couldn't pass by this when I read these replies.

    When you look at the way the Universe and beyond was formed and if your eye sight isn't that strong, just look at how amazing Nature on Earth is. I enjoy Discovery very much. my whole family does actually. We are constantly reminded of the significants of every living creature on the Plant.

    You might find it hard to believe but the smallest of creatures in our Oceans are connected to us in some way. A special of Sea life was aired a year ago and they were talking about Horse shoe Crabs. Apparently Scientist have discovered that the migration of Horse crabs are essential to the growth of a certain plant life that is important for a certain kind of fish that comes into Upper New England to survive. Now they've noticed that Horse Shoe crabs are disappearing and such has been this plant life long with the fish that is follows by Cod or trout or one of those fish that everybody eats, so now they've been disappearing and the Fishermen are losing money because these fish are gone, etc. All because of the Horse Shoe Crabs but why are the Crabs going away (?) people of course. Point is, all things are connected to each other in the most amazing way. You watch Animal Planet and wonder why a Camera guy won't save a baby Elephant that fell into the mud, can't get out and its' mother doesn't know where it is. This elephant is going to die and all this guy has to do is pull it out of the mud and all is great again but they stand and film it rather than save it because their thinking is, this is Nature at work. Well I disagree with Nature in some situations. I constantly hear about how elephant numbers are going down and they are in danger of being gone from the Planet. This isn't God's work, this is a couple of stupid men thinking they will mess up the balance of nature by pulling a baby elephant out of the mud but rather film it starve to death.

    No I agree with Robyna, God doesn't want us wasting our lives by praying to it's Presence all day long. There are two kinds of Gods that we speak.

    One God, is the vision of the Old Man in the Clouds counting the number of Souls that will go to Heaven against the Devil and the other God is beyond the Metaphysical mindset but more hands on. What you can see, feel, touch, investigate about life & living. This is where progress comes from. This is the Great Gift that was given to us that is responsible for our advancements and sadly this is where greed comes from as well. I am ill right now and people keep telling me to ask God to help me. I don't know how to respond to this because if I were to think if I could achieve a level of belief that would convince God that I am now worthy of His attention, I would be cured, that would depress me more than all else. If I don't get better does that mean God doesn't believe I'm worthy of His Blessing? So if I'm not, how about all of these people who are Praying for me, is He rejecting them as well? And when I take accounting of my life up until now, I've always been a good guy to Man, Animals & Nature. I was always a giving spirit and I still have purpose. I'm not a burden on anyone's life and I've influenced people in a positive way I like to think. So what did I miss? I failed to go to Church, read the Bible, etc.? Nah, it don't work like that.

    Centuries ago, the Roman Catholic Church needed control over the people and thus the Bible and many tales within this Bible came to pass. There was no mention of a Devil, Satan or Lucifer until he was added in the New Testament's King Jame's Version. Blessing life is good enough and yes there are unexplained things which keeps life interesting and the events that have seemed to be predicted by the Mayans and Nostra, etc. are extremely interesting. But until Greed is eliminated from our World, anyone can predict gloom & doom. Someone is always going to want total dominance whether they get it our not. There are great speakers amongst us that seem to make people feel they've finally witnessed someone who can lead us out of the darkness. I learned it's me that leads me out of the darkness.

    Taking control over your own life as much as you can is where true freedom & peace of mind comes from. You work for a large Corp. who is now after 50 yrs letting people go just before they reached their retirement age. This is by design you know. You have given them so much power over your household. Where you are going to live, send your children to school, what you can afford to buy, who you are going to live next to and you still can't unpack everything because this company may change their minds and send you back the next year.

    This is why Heart failure and Cancer and other illnesses are still higher than ever
    These Companies worship their Investors and if a third World Country tells them, they will produce the same product for a 3rd of what they've been paying and forget about healthcare, hey guess what, your job is gone and Mr. CEO doesn't care.

    I'm sorry for the long writing but I want to end by saying this, it is no secret that I wasn't taken by President Obama much as others were. Not that I don't think he's going to be efficient as a President. Hell, he's as good as any of the others as I see it but we are not going to see the promises that he made because there was never a plan to make them come to pass.

    John F.Kennedy ran on National Healthcare and the people said, "Ye, we like him" Many others ran on Healthcare for all and we acted as we always do, like we were hearing it for the first time.

    Truth is this: To run and effective Campaign for President these days cost more money than you can wrap your head around. $300,000,000.00 USD is enough to weed out most competition in a National Campaign. But where do you really think the bulk of that money comes from? Call in donations?

    Mr. Obama can account for maybe $70,000,000.00USD which is amazing but that's far short of that other big number. The money I mean real money comes from those very corporations that he must claim he's going to fight against. There is a well known understanding in Washington, react to what I do, not to what I say. Those Corps know that Mr.Whomever has to say things to get elected and they are prepared for a few punches but when the dust settles, it's the companies that have the big pockets that elect our Presidents. Keep in mind, there's no money in Health. The money is in Sickness my friends. A corp. can not spend billions on getting people cured because they relay upon pills to pay for their Luxury lifestyles. I take a pill that cost $250 per day which of course my Insurance pays for, which of course means you are paying for, while I'm paying for your $200 per day pills.

    Obama knows this but he like President Clinton had that way of speaking to you that made you think, they were on your side. And lastly, did you ever wonder what we pay Senators for a yearly salary? How about the President of the United States? How much does he make per year? I think somewhere around $500,000 per yr is the going rate for that job, but they are all multi millionaires and they didn't get that money from working late at the office so to speak, they get that money in perks from the very companies they attack so harshly (verbally).

    The tobacco corp. why are these companies still allowed to produce something that has been proven to do one thing only, kill people, and still stay in business and yet if you smoke a marijuana joint, you're going to jail?

    Alcohol kills more people in a year than Marijuana related deaths in 40 yrs.
    Our troops who were going to be coming home under Pres. Obama are now not only staying put but more are being added and this was made very clear to him before the elections even took place and yet we the people are the truly dumb ones because every four years we act as though someone is telling us something we've never heard before. Unbelievable ...

    Is there a God? If you been down an pluck a blade of grass from your lawn and study how amazing that grass is, you are looking at God.
    Last edited by Coach; 09-28-2009 at 12:08 AM.

  9. #9
    I have a very simple view of God. God is a concept that embodies everything that I don't know and am yet to learn. I have faith that God is good, although I have no proof. God gives me a purpose for living, which is to learn as much as I can in my lifetime, and educate others so that my learning will not die with me. I trust newer generations will take what I can pass on to greater heights beyond my lifetime. If you look around for God, you will never find Him, because He is within you and each one of us - we have to look inwards for God because it is an introspective process.

  10. #10
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    I think ppl should watch the haunting in connecticut.... Its based on a true story and to me theres just too much in it for god not to have played a role.... Its a haunted house movie.... Its bout a young boy whos dying from cancer.... If u watch the movie youll know what i mean.... Its all too much for god to not of played a part...

  11. #11
    Trouble with all religions is that they claim to have all the answeres (and that they control people). The beauty of science is that it doesn't claim to have all the answers - but it tries in the most open minded way to find answers. I am the same in that I am open minded. I certainly don't need a preacher to tell me to be a good person or how to live my life. If there is a God and heaven and an afterlife and all that, nobody can say for sure (no matter how much they believe or have faith). And I certainly don't know one way or the other. The only thing we know 100% for sure is that we are all here on this planet right now. So surely the best thing we can all do is try to make this world the best we possibly can for everyone on it. Instead of having wars or polluting the air we breath.

  12. #12
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    San Antonio, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by mal-j View Post
    Trouble with all religions is that they claim to have all the answeres (and that they control people). The beauty of science is that it doesn't claim to have all the answers - but it tries in the most open minded way to find answers. I am the same in that I am open minded. I certainly don't need a preacher to tell me to be a good person or how to live my life. If there is a God and heaven and an afterlife and all that, nobody can say for sure (no matter how much they believe or have faith). And I certainly don't know one way or the other. The only thing we know 100% for sure is that we are all here on this planet right now. So surely the best thing we can all do is try to make this world the best we possibly can for everyone on it. Instead of having wars or polluting the air we breath.
    i love science too. however, i don't like when they claim theories as fact. saying stuff like "4 billion years ago" takes any and all credit from a theory. Or how about the theory that the moon is moving away from the earth by 2 inches every year and that in so many billions of years the earth will become uninhabitable because of it!!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Lawn Tennis View Post
    i love science too. however, i don't like when they claim theories as fact. saying stuff like "4 billion years ago" takes any and all credit from a theory. Or how about the theory that the moon is moving away from the earth by 2 inches every year and that in so many billions of years the earth will become uninhabitable because of it!!
    Quite wrong. Scientists rarely claim theories as fact, however, they do state them as the most likely explanation, and thereby, the closest we have to fact. And i really must wonder why something like 4 billion years makes a theory unbelieveable. By the same logic, Jesus Christ is doubtable since he lived 2000 years ago. To you, it should make no difference. After all, you lived at neither time. Oh, and the second theory is not quite as stupid as you make it. If the moon distances itself, it disstabilizes the entire elliptical orbit of the earth, moving us either closer to or further from the sun, out of the so-called "Goldilocks" zone.
    Personally, i'm a staunch atheist, and i believe that the existence of God is both unlikely and unnecessary. In fact, if you consider God as a scientific theory on par with his greatest rival, evolution and the Big Bang - well, God is quite a bit more unlikely than either of these two.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagnusEffect View Post
    Quite wrong. Scientists rarely claim theories as fact, however, they do state them as the most likely explanation, and thereby, the closest we have to fact. And i really must wonder why something like 4 billion years makes a theory unbelieveable. By the same logic, Jesus Christ is doubtable since he lived 2000 years ago. To you, it should make no difference. After all, you lived at neither time. Oh, and the second theory is not quite as stupid as you make it. If the moon distances itself, it disstabilizes the entire elliptical orbit of the earth, moving us either closer to or further from the sun, out of the so-called "Goldilocks" zone.
    Personally, i'm a staunch atheist, and i believe that the existence of God is both unlikely and unnecessary. In fact, if you consider God as a scientific theory on par with his greatest rival, evolution and the Big Bang - well, God is quite a bit more unlikely than either of these two.
    the way they state their theories are as fact. i know it's still a theory and a theory is just that, but i'm saying they teach and preach this stuff like arithmetic. I see what you're saying about the 2000 years ago vs 50 billion (even though one is much greater), but then maybe i shouldnt believe something that happened in 1980 too because i wasn't alive. i'm not saying science is wrong. when i had the science channel, that was the only thing i watched other than the tennis channel. i can see the logic behind a lot of scientists claims, but i theorize differently sometimes. lastly, getting back to the moon thing - ok so let's assume the moon is moving away by 2 inches every year. now who's to say it will continue to move away? maybe it's a cycle in which the moon travels away from the earth and then back every 500 years.. the only fact of the matter is, nobody knows.

  15. #15
    All scientific advances have to start out as theories. You come up with a theory and then go about looking for evidence to prove it - and not just you proving it, but other scientists being able to replicate your experiments and come up with the same answers. A theory is first proposed and then peer reviewed. Not every theory turns out to be correct and some are altered on the discoivery of new evidence. But it is a mistake to think of every scientific fact as "just a theory" just because they were originally theories. Once they have been accepted by the whole scientific community they become considered as fact based on the evidence available. Evolution was a theory but now it is without doubt a fact. Just one example of this we can see quite clearly is in rats that are evolving in a way that they can withstand certain chemicals that previously poisoned them.

    Just wish I could evolve into a brilliant tennnis player.

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